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Growing the Frontline Negotiation Community in Francophone Africa

Only a few weeks after the first Atelier de Négociation Humanitaire (French for Peer Workshop on Humanitarian Negotiation) in Senegal, the CCHN organized another negotiation workshop in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic Congo (DRC) from 10 – 12 September 2019. The event marked an important milestone in the development of the CCHN’s community of frontline negotiators in francophone Africa.

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Challenges of Humanitarian Negotiations in Latin America

In response to requests from regional offices of the Strategic Partners in Latin America, the CCHN organized a Peer Workshop on Humanitarian Negotiation (Taller de NegociaciĂłn Humanitaria) in Bogota, Colombia from 12-14 August 2019. Participants who wished to dive deeper into the learning methodology could further attend a Training of Facilitators (CapacitaciĂłn para Facilitadores).

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