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How to build common ground with your counterpart

July 4, 2024
Find a mutual understanding even when your position, reasoning and values seem in complete opposition to your counterpart’s.

How to determine the negotiation type and use it to your advantage

April 26, 2024
Identify what type of negotiation you are having, gain control over it and draw it to where you feel more…

Seven practical tips to negotiate healthcare in humanitarian contexts

April 5, 2024
Negotiate healthcare in humanitarian contexts with these seven practical tips gathered from the members of our community of practice.

Five strategies that will help you negotiate after a disaster

March 21, 2024
Experienced humanitarian professionals share their best five strategies that will help you negotiate after a disaster.

How to start a negotiation: Four simple steps to build your opening argument

February 23, 2024
Follow these four simple steps to start a negotiation and build your opening argument based on the CCHN negotiation methodology.

Emotions in negotiations: Friends or foes?

January 26, 2024
Discover why emotions in negotiations are so powerful, what they mean and how to understand them to negotiate better.

How I learned to negotiate with armed actors – A conversation with Essie Opoka

November 17, 2023
Essie Opoka, a humanitarian negotiator with over 10 years of experience, shares how she learned to negotiate with armed groups…

Negotiating with the military: Six practical tips for humanitarians

October 20, 2023
What are the best practices when negotiating with arms carriers? Here are six practical tips when negotiating with the military.

Six essential lessons to remember while negotiating “safe zones”

October 17, 2023
Read six essential lessons to remember while negotiating "safe zones" to provide protection for civilians.

Battling misinformation in Ukraine – A conversation with Andrii Kruglashov

September 22, 2023
ICRC's political advisor Andrii Kruglashov shares how he battled a misinformation campaign when the conflict in Ukraine started.

Six negotiation strategies to access and operate in gang-controlled areas

August 16, 2023
Read the top negotiation strategies shared by experienced humanitarians to effectively access and operate in gang-controlled areas.

“Take the time to revisit the way you work.” – Interview with Olivier Eyenga

July 19, 2023
Read about why Olivier, a long time humanitarian negotiator, believes that you need to take the time to revisit the…

How can humanitarians negotiate with algorithms? – Interview with Ă“scar Sánchez Piñeiro

June 15, 2023
UNHCR's Óscar Sánchez Piñeiro explains why humanitarians should engage with new technologies and how they can negotiate with algorithms.

Five ways humanitarians are helping their peers develop their negotiation skills

May 19, 2023
Here are five ways humanitarians are helping their peers develop their negotiation skills to better assist and protect people in…

“It’s worth being part of the CCHN community!” – Interview with Brigitte Ouoba Lamemba

April 14, 2023
Read about the many reasons why Brigitte, as a humanitarian professional and negotiator, thinks it's worth being part of the…