“I think [the #CCHNWorldSummit21] is also the beginning, it’s the kickoff of a really great conversation that […] needs to continue for the next few years. How do we collaborate better?” – Rainer Gude
The Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation (CCHN) recently organized a 6-day World Summit. This global event brought together frontline negotiators, humanitarian policymakers, scholars, donors, and government representatives to tackle the most challenging present-day issues related to humanitarian negotiation.
During the World Summit, we met with some of the world’s leaders in the humanitarian field. In this interview, Rainer Gude, now Executive Coordinator of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, shares his experiences in humanitarian negotiations.
We are continuing the conversation that started at the Summit during this year’s Geneva Peace Week with our session on the challenges and dilemmas of collaboration across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus on Monday, November 1st 2021 (9:00-10:30 am CEST).